Redux Question: When <App/> Component re-renders, does it cause all selectors to run again?
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Redux Question: When <App/> Component re-renders, does it cause all selectors to run again?

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Are you tired of dealing with the intricacies of Redux and React? Well, you’re in luck! In this article, we’re going to dive deep into the world of Redux and explore one of its most misunderstood aspects: selectors. Specifically, we’re going to answer the question: when the `` component re-renders, does it cause all selectors to run again?

What are Selectors?

Before we dive into the meat of the question, let’s take a quick detour to understand what selectors are in Redux. Selectors are functions that take the entire Redux state as an argument and return a slice of that state. They’re essentially a way to extract specific data from the Redux store, which can then be used in your React components.

const selectUser = state => state.user;

In the example above, the `selectUser` selector takes the entire Redux state as an argument and returns only the `user` slice of that state.

How do Selectors Work?

Now that we know what selectors are, let’s talk about how they work. When you connect a React component to the Redux store using `connect`, you pass in a function that defines the props that should be passed to the component. This function is called whenever the Redux state changes, and it’s responsible for returning the new props.

import { connect } from 'react-redux';

const mapStateToProps = state => ({
  user: selectUser(state),

const ConnectedComponent = connect(mapStateToProps)(MyComponent);

In the example above, the `mapStateToProps` function is called whenever the Redux state changes. It uses the `selectUser` selector to extract the `user` slice from the state, and then returns a new props object with the `user` property.

The Problem: When <App/> Re-renders, do all Selectors Run Again?

So, what happens when the `` component re-renders? Does it cause all selectors to run again? The answer is… it depends!

Cases where Selectors Run Again

There are certain scenarios where a re-render of the `` component can cause all selectors to run again. Here are a few examples:

  • If the entire Redux state changes, all selectors will run again. This is because the `mapStateToProps` function is re-run whenever the state changes, and it will re-compute the props for the connected component.

  • If the component’s props change, the `mapStateToProps` function will be re-run, which means all selectors will run again.

  • If the component’s context changes, the `mapStateToProps` function may be re-run, depending on how the context is used.

Cases where Selectors Don’t Run Again

There are also scenarios where a re-render of the `` component won’t cause all selectors to run again. Here are a few examples:

  • If only a subset of the state changes, and the selector only depends on that subset, it won’t re-run. This is because the `mapStateToProps` function will only re-compute the props that depend on the changed state.

  • If the selector uses memoization, it won’t re-run even if the state changes. Memoization is a technique that caches the result of a function so that it’s not re-computed unnecessarily.

import { createSelector } from 'reselect';

const selectUser = createSelector(
  state => state.user,
  user =>

const mapStateToProps = state => ({
  userName: selectUser(state),

In the example above, the `selectUser` selector uses memoization to cache the result of the `` computation. If the `user` slice of the state changes, but the `name` property remains the same, the selector won’t re-run.

Optimizing Selectors for Performance

Use Memoization

Memoization is a powerful technique for optimizing selectors. By caching the result of a computation, you can avoid re-running the selector unnecessarily.

import { createSelector } from 'reselect';

const selectUser = createSelector(
  state => state.user,
  user =>

const mapStateToProps = state => ({
  userName: selectUser(state),

Use Shallow Equality Checks

Another way to optimize selectors is to use shallow equality checks. This involves comparing the previous and current state slices to determine if the selector needs to re-run.

import { shallowEqual } from 'react-redux';

const mapStateToProps = (state, ownProps) => {
  const prevProps = ownProps.prevProps;
  if (!prevProps || !shallowEqual(prevProps, state)) {
    return {
      user: selectUser(state),
  return prevProps;


` component re-renders, it doesn’t always cause all selectors to run again. It depends on the specific scenario and how the selectors are implemented. By understanding how selectors work and when they run again, you can optimize them for performance and write more efficient Redux code.

Scenario Selectors Run Again?
Entire Redux state changes Yes
Component props change Yes
Component context changes Maybe
Subset of state changes, selector depends on that subset No
Selector uses memoization No

By following the best practices outlined in this article, you can write more efficient and scalable Redux code that takes advantage of the power of selectors.

Further Reading

Want to learn more about Redux and selectors? Check out these resources:

I hope this article has helped you understand the intricacies of Redux and selectors. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to dive into the world of Redux and uncover the truth about when and how selectors run!

When does the <App/> component re-render, and does it cause all selectors to run again?

When the state of the Redux store changes, the <App/> component re-renders. However, this doesn’t necessarily mean all selectors will run again. Selectors are only re-run when their input changes, which is determined by the dependencies they specify. If the input hasn’t changed, the selector will return the cached result instead of re-computing.

What triggers a re-render of the <App/> component in Redux?

A re-render of the <App/> component is triggered when the Redux store’s state changes, which can happen due to various reasons such as: dispatching an action, updating the store manually, or when a parent component re-renders.

Will all selectors be re-run if I update the Redux store’s state?

Not necessarily! Selectors will only be re-run if their input dependencies have changed. If the updated state doesn’t affect the input of a particular selector, it will return the cached result instead of re-computing. This optimization is thanks to the memoization provided by libraries like Reselect or Redux’s built-in createSelector.

How can I ensure that a selector is re-run when the state changes?

To ensure a selector is re-run when the state changes, make sure to include the relevant parts of the state in the selector’s input dependencies. This way, when the state updates, the selector will detect the change and re-compute its result. You can also use libraries like Reselect to create memoized selectors that automatically track dependencies.

What’s the best practice for handling selectors in a large-scale Redux application?

In a large-scale Redux application, it’s essential to keep selectors organized, reusable, and maintainable. Consider creating a separate selectors module for each feature or domain, and use a consistent naming convention. Also, ensure that selectors are memoized to avoid unnecessary re-computations, and use tools like Redux DevTools to debug and optimize your selectors.

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